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15 October 2024 - 16 October 2024
Avignon, France
Business Meetings @ MEDAGRI 2024
Register now
Open until 9 October 2024

Business Meetings - How does it work ?

This Business Meetings event is a quick and easy way to meet foreign potential partners. 30 minutes run fast, but it's enough to make a first contact and present yourself to your potential partner.

1) Register online

Register via the Register button. Your registration should be approved before publishing on our website.

    2) Complete your profile

    Create a clear and detailed business profile in order to improve your visibility. A precise company presentation and nice product pictures are more likely to attract the attention of your future buyers and suppliers. 

    3) Access to the list of buyers and suppliers

    Go to the participants list in order to discover a wide range of food products offered by our suppliers as well as company profiles of our buyers. 

    Find out the best business opportunities that will make your company grow.

    4) Request for appointments and respond to incoming demands

    Each request for an appointment will be checked by the buyer or the supplier that you have pre-selected. 

    5)  Get your final agenda of the confirmed meetings (for suppliers only).

    Find your complete meetings schedule in My Agenda.

    Fill in the order form according to your final agenda.


    6) Meet your partners on-site 

    Access to the Parc des Exposition, Avignon France 

    If you are participating in the exhibition, your business meetings will be held at your stand. Alternatively, you can meet with buyers in the dedicated Business France VIP space.

    Please pay attention that online business meetings will take place from October 15th to October 16th 2024. 

    Best of luck, and enjoy your business meetings!